Good Friday (also Holy Friday or Great Friday) is a religious holiday commemorating the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ at Calvary (Golgotha). It is mainly observed by Christians during Holy Week as part of the Paschal Triduum. Because Easter is a moveable feast (its date depends on the date of the first full moon on or after 21 March) so is the date of Good Friday.
In Roman Catholic Church Good Friday is a fast day which is understood as having only one full meal and two light meals, all of them without any meat. What most distinguishes this holiday from the rest is the fact there is no Mass celebrated on this day. Instead, there is a special liturgy held consisting of three parts: the Liturgy of the Word, the Adoration of the Cross and Holy Communion.
In some countries Good Friday is observed as a federal or public holiday, among them there are Australia, Brazil, Canada, Germany, New Zealand, Singapore, Sweden and the United Kingdom. In the United States only 11 states observe Good Friday as a state holiday.