A list of United States federal holidays in 2030 is shown below. For convenience, the number of days left to a holiday date is also provided. Federal holidays are public holidays established for federal employees in the Federal law (5 United States Code 6103) by the United States Congress. Employees are paid for the holidays.
New Year's Day
2030 Tuesday,
January 1 ~ 60 months & 2 weeks (1837 days) left -
Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
2030 Monday,
January 21 ~ 61 months (1857 days) left -
Washington's Birthday (Presidents' Day)
2030 Monday,
February 18 ~ 62 months (1885 days) left -
Memorial Day
2030 Monday,
May 27 ~ 65 months & 1 week (1983 days) left -
2030 Wednesday,
June 19 ~ 66 months (2006 days) left -
Independence Day
2030 Thursday,
July 4 ~ 66 months & 2 weeks (2021 days) left -
Labor Day
2030 Monday,
September 2 ~ 68 months & 2 weeks (2081 days) left -
Columbus Day
2030 Monday,
October 14 ~ 69 months & 3 weeks (2123 days) left -
Veterans Day
2030 Monday,
November 11 ~ 70 months & 3 weeks (2151 days) left -
Thanksgiving Day
2030 Thursday,
November 28 ~ 71 months & 1 week (2168 days) left -
2030 Wednesday,
December 25 ~ 72 months & 1 week (2195 days) left
**If a federal holiday falls on Saturday it is usually observed on Friday (the day before), and when it falls on Sunday it is observed the following Monday. The dates the federal holidays are observed are shown in parentheses.