September 2011
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  • In 2011 year Labor Day fell on
    first Monday of September

Labor Day dates in the following years:

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
Sept. 2025
Sept. 2026
Sept. 2027
Sept. 2028
Sept. 2029
The dates the holiday is observed are marked with a dotted line (applies to federal holidays). Date calculations are based on your computer's time.

Labor Day 2011

Monday, September 5 Photo by: Uğur Gürcüoğlu

The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.

Arthur Brisbane

Labor Day is an annual federal holiday celebrated on the first Monday of September in the United States. It is a day to honor the economic and social contributions of workers to the country's strength, prosperity, and well-being.

End of Summer Vacation Season

Traditionally, Labor Day marks the end of the summer vacation season in the United States, although school starting times now vary.

Origins of Labor Day

Labor Day has its roots in the labor union movement, particularly the eight-hour day movement. This movement advocated for a standard eight-hour workday, with eight hours for rest and eight hours for recreation. The first Labor Day holiday was celebrated on September 5, 1882, in New York City.

Spread of the Idea

The idea of Labor Day as a holiday spread quickly with the growth of labor organizations, and by 1885 it was celebrated in many industrial centers across the country. On February 21, 1887, Oregon became the first state to officially recognize Labor Day as a holiday. By the time it became a federal holiday in 1894, thirty states were already celebrating Labor Day.

International Significance

For many countries, Labor Day is linked to International Workers' Day, which falls on May 1. However, other countries celebrate their own Labor Day on different dates, often with particular significance for the labor movement in that country.

Overall, Labor Day is a day to celebrate the important role that workers play in the United States and around the world. It is a time to recognize and appreciate their contributions to society, and to reflect on the ongoing struggles and successes of the labor movement.